Tuesday Training: Fueling Plan

10 weeks to go, HOF Marathon followers! It is Tuesday Training and I am excited to give out some tips regarding your training.

Last week we discussed ways you could incorporate strength in your training regime. Hopefully some of you have found a great hill in your neighborhood and are going to work once a week on it!

This week I want to take a different turn on training and discuss ways to fuel up for long runs. Runners will get to race weekend, attend the race expo and end up snatching a lot of samples of energy fuel supplements, GUs and other re-energized bars. Some also take samples THAT day and use those supplements for marathon day.

I want to encourage you that this is a big no no. You never want to try something new the day before a marathon or the day of. Runners should know before race weekend what their bodies can handle, digest and essentially have it be on a fueling plan. 

With 10 weeks to go now is a great time to start testing the waters and seeing what fueling supplements to test out . Also, start practicing your pre-race breakfast regime.

What time do you want to get up before your marathon? How far out are you going to eat breakfast or have a cup of coffee? All of these factors play a role in performance and the more in tune you are with this stuff, the more prepared you will be for race day. 

Here are a few tips this week to help prepare you for race weekend!

  1. Figure out your breakfast schedule- If you do not have this down, now is the time to start figuring out the exact time you want to get up before you toe the line. A solid wake schedule along with knowing what you should/shouldn’t eat for breakfast will help better prepare you for race weekend! Figure out what food works best with your digestive system and what you believe works best for your performance. We want to optimize training so knowing all details will help with that. I personally like a bowl of oats with blueberries, some eggs, and a cup of coffee. This isn’t for everyone but start figuring out what is your go to for race day!
  2. Fueling up during race- If you haven’t tested this out yet on long runs again NOW IS THE TIME. You don't want to get to race day and not have a clue of what supplements work/doesn’t work for you. Fueling up with an energy supplement is essential; especially for those running the full marathon. Start practicing with something on your long run and figuring out about what mile you want to take these. I know I always start feeling like I need something around mile 12- 14 but everyone is different. Brands to test out would be GU energy gels, SIS Go gels, and Jelly Belly Sports Beans. These brands have worked well for me.
  3. Electrolytes Hydration- Oftentimes when people are starting out training they immediately assume hydration only means water. FALSE.This is actually the most important point. Our body needs the right ph levels for proper heart function, sodium levels for muscle function, etc. It is very important that when you are hydrating up for a run that you are also replenishing your body with electrolytes and not just diluting it with water. Pedialyte is a great source of an electrolyte solution when preparing for a race/long run. Make sure to slowly sip on this throughout the day/night before your long run. Another brand I have found beneficial is Nuun Hydration tablets.  

If you have any questions regarding training  or are interested in a coach email Coach Tina at tina@hofmarathon.com


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