Feature Runner Friday: George McCartney

For today’s “Feature Runner Friday”, we are featuring stand out Malone University graduate George McCartney. McCartney is currently training for his first competitive half-marathon.
McCartney is part of our Pro Football Hall of Fame Marathon Series Elite Program and we are excited that he will be making his first half marathon debut with us this April.

“This Is going to be the first half marathon I race and I hope to progress up to the full,” McCartney said. “I consider myself purely aerobic so I know the longer the distance, the more I will excel.”

A former Track and Field All-American in the 10,000 meters just last spring, McCartney decided
last summer to continue his running career as a post-collegiate runner. Successfully racing a personal best in the 8,000 meters on grass this past fall, McCartney describes his early post-collegiate running journey to be a blessing. 

“The first thing I think of honesty is just how blessed I am to have this opportunity,” McCartney said. “I am very thankful for how well things have been going. I graduated last May from Malone and although all of my running eligibility is up, I still wanted to compete because I love running. Because I was fortunate enough to get a graduate assistant position with sports information at Malone, it has provided me an opportunity to train post collegiality and race unattached...” 

“The convenience of training for a half marathon that will take place right where I graduated and where I am stationed at makes training exciting,” McCartney said. “ The race is going to be filled with an environment that has closely supported me. I wouldn’t want to start a half marathon anywhere else. This is the perfect place to start it.”

We are happy to have you, George! Keep an eye out for George’s half-marathon debut April 26th!

Get to know the driven long distance runner!
5k or Half Marathon -  I have had the most memorable experiences with the 10k during my college years. I haven’t raced the half marathon yet so the edge goes to the 10k.
Mile or 3k -  3k for sure. I don’t have those fats twitch fibers.
Fall or Spring -  Fall all the way. It’s spooky season, my birthday season, nice scenery, sweatshirt weather...the list goes on and on.
Summer or Winter - Definitely summer, I am not a fan of the bitter cold.
Facebook or Instagram -  Facebook may have the edge. A lot of entertainment and laughs have come from the old Facebook.
New Balance or Brooks -  I have never worn Brooks or New Balance.
Adidas or Nike - Nike Nike Nike!
Track and Field or Cross Country -  Always been a cross boy.
Football or Basketball - I love watching football.
Gatorade or Body Armor - I would say Body Armor wins by a long shot.
Strava or Running2win - I used to use Running2Win but made the switch to Strava and do not regret it. Strava wins.
Grass or trails - I love trials because of the scenery and the softer terrain, which is especially helpful for recovery runs.
Yoga or Heavy Weights - I would say strength training and lifting is more important to me.
Coffee or Tea - Coffee
Warm up music? - The more hype, the better. Bring in the beats.


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